Translation of a rare handwritten edition of the biography of the first Barway Dorje. He was a precious revealer of treasure and the rebirth of Nupchen Sangye Yeshe, one of Guru Padma’s twenty-five disciples. Barway Dorje appeared in Tibet during the nineteenth century, and was praised and respected by the many holy beings of his time as an authentic treasure revealer.

Precious Essence, the Inner Autobiography of Terchen Barway Dorje
Edited by Kagyu Tashi, translated by Lama Yeshe Gyamtso
ISBN: 0-9741092-5-8
5.5 x 8.5 in., 272 pages
“In the vast ocean of buddha nature
The little fish of mind itself, with the golden eyes of awareness,
Flaps the six wings of the inner faculties.
The outer faculties move about in the ten directions.
If the outer and inner retain this golden gleam
Object and subject are powerful and not two.
Self-awareness is the perfect buddha! EMAHO!
May this be realized by myself and all beings!
This was composed by Dechen Barway Dorje.
May all attain buddhahood.”