This profound teaching by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche inaugurates a new bilingual collection dedicated to offering clear and concise instructions on core practices from great masters of the Karma Kagyu lineage.

Chenrezik: For the Benefit of all Beings / Chenrezik: Por el Bien de los Seres (English & Spanish)
by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
June 2014
ISBN: 9781934608487
paperback (bilingual)
6 x 9 in., 216 pages
folleto, 6 x 9, 216 páginas
Chenrezik: For the Benefit of All Beings inaugurates a new bilingual collection dedicated to offering clear and concise instructions on core practices from great masters of the Karma Kagyu lineage. Produced under the guidance of the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Seeds of Awakening/Semillas del Despertar brings essential teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to two of the world’s major language communities.
One of the most highly revered living masters of the Karma Kagyu lineage, Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche offers here a detailed explanation of the Chenrezik practice, based on For the Benefit of All Beings (Drodon khakhyabma), a text composed by Thangtong Gyalpo. Drawing on decades of experience guiding Western students and with the sparkling clarity that is so typical of his teachings, in this book Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche offers students all that they need to plant their own seeds of awakening. This first publication in this new collection of bilingual texts. This will be followed by Vajrasattva, Green Tara, and others. Copublished with Editorial Albricias, Mexico.
Chenrezik: Por el Bien de los Seres inaugura una nueva coleccin bilinge dedicada a ofrecer instrucciones claras y concisas de prcticas esenciales de grandes maestros del linaje Karma Kagyu. Producida bajo la gua de Su Santidad el 17 Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Seeds of Awakening/Semillas del Despertar trae enseanzas fundamentales del budismo tibetano a dos de las comunidades lingsticas ms grandes del mundo.
Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, uno de los maestros vivos mas respetados de ese linaje, ofrece aqu una explicacin detallada de la practica de Chenrezik, basada en El bien de los seres que llena el espacio (Drodon khakhyabma), compuesta por Thangtong Gyalpo. Con decadas de experiencia en guiar estudiantes occidentales y la brillante claridad que caracteriza sus ensenanzas, Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche ofrece en este libro a los practicantes todo lo que necesitan para sembrar sus propias semillas del despertar. Coeditado por Editorial Albricias, Mexico.