An interesting look at how Yogacara philosophy influenced tantra and mahamudra, by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche. Developed by Asanga and Vasubandhu as a reaction to over-theorization, Yogacara emphasizes that everything comes back to one’s own practice and to one’s own experience.

The Influence of Yogacara on Mahamudra
by Traleg Kyabgon
October 2010
ISBN: 978-1-934608-19-7
5.5 x 8.5 in., 152 pages
A unique and interesting look at how Yogacara philosophy influenced tantra and mahamudra. Developed by Asanga and Vasubandhu as a reaction to over-theorization, Yogacara emphasizes that everything comes back to one’s own practice and to one’s own experience.
Reviewed in the Winter 2011 issue of Buddhadharma.